
Our services...just a sample!

Family Practice Consultations

General Practice is recognised as a medical specialty in its own right and the doctors and nurses at GSS carry out over 100 GP consultations daily.  Whether your issue is a minor one or a potentially more serious matter, we are equipped to deal with the issue ourselves or by referral to hospital colleagues.  

Child Health

The health of the next generation is a major part of what we do at GSS.  From proactive health checks for babies at two and six weeks of age to childhood vaccinations, preventive care for this group is a major part of our everyday service.  Feel free to discuss matters of preventive healthcare in your child’s regard with us at any time.  

Womens Health

Screening tests, family planning issues, long acting contraception options and the medical care of the menopuse are just some of the many items of particular concern to our female patients.  All of these issues can be dealt with by a female or male doctor as per patient preference.  Consultations & procedures regarding contraception are now free to women age 17-26 (soon to be up to 30).  

Mens Health

We find that men are becoming more pro-active in managing their own health needs.  Cardiovascular health forms a significant part of this aspect of General Practice care but issues surrounding prostate and other male cancers are also a source of concern to our patients.  

Travel Health

Gladstone Street Surgery is able to provide a full range of travel health related services.  Destination specific health advice, tailored vaccination schedules and malaria prevention advice are all part of our routine travel consultation.  All travel vaccinations including Yellow Fever vaccination are available on-site at GSS.

Mental Health

Sometimes mental health issues are clearly on a patient’s agenda and sometimes they are not but as much as 30% of GP work is considered to relate to mental health and psychological wellbeing.  All of the doctors at GSS have extensive experience in this regard and are equipped to deal with minor or major psychological issues as they arise.